Sunday, 28 June 2020

Beware of subroutines in form triggers

I wrote a complicated form trigger - post-update - which is supposed to extract lines from a customer order and insert them into another order. Despite the fact that the code looked correct (and of course, there were no syntax errors), it wasn't working. Every query was checked in WINDBI and was found to be correct. Eventually I was reduced to inserting WRNMSG statements at every decision spot in order to find out why the code wasn't working as expected.

Eventually I found what the problem was: the trigger was calling a sub-procedure defined at the end of its code that returns the number of non-closed lines in the order. I used a sub-procedure as the code is called at two separate places in the trigger, when the number of non-closed lines can vary from the first invocation to the second, if lines are extracted to another order and closed in this order.

The sub-procedure simply wasn't being called. Why not, I asked myself? In semi-desperation, I changed the sub-procedure's number from SUB 900 to SUB 1234 - and then the code worked! This means that some other trigger must define a sub-routine 900 and this is what is being called (if anyone is interested, SUB 900 is defined in the trigger ORDERS/UpdateDiary). 

So what can be concluded from this exercise? All the triggers of a form must be considered to be part of the same name space, which means that each sub-routine should have a separate number. No more SUB 900 - use more imaginative numbers! This is a much more insidious problem than the #INCLUDE problem. In the same way that I now use non-obvious names for cursors in triggers (and let us not forget that the name of a cursor in a trigger must either begin or end with @), one must also use non-obvious numbers for sub-routines.