A week ago, I wrote a procedure which iterates over a set of work orders and sets their status to 'cancelled'. In order to strengthen the cancellation, I decided to disconnect the work order from the connected customer order line by writing zero in the appropriate field. As the interface for updating the status of a work order only contains the work order number and status, I decided to add the customer order line, and because I need to write zero into this field, I marked the flag 'accepts null values'. I checked my procedure and it worked fine.
A few days later, someone drew my attention to the fact that after printing a work order (which changes its status from 'approved' to 'printed'), the connection to its customer order line was lost. For you, the reader, the reason should be obvious, but for me it wasn't. I checked the work orders form which - unusually - was free of any customisation which I might have done. There are rules defined for the screen, but they are only for me; one says that the status should be changed to 'cancelled' if the order line is zero - this is not what is happening and anyway, the problem was happening to other users.
Very problematic. I tried rebuilding the screen but this had no effect. As it happens, I had added to a daily report data about work orders which was based on the connected customer order line. There was data for the first two weeks in July but a mysterious disappearance this week. From this, I was able to conclude that the problem occurred only during the past few days. I didn't remember programming anything to do with the work orders form, and anyway I had already checked that there were no customisations.
Then inspiration struck: there is a module which I rarely use that prepares updates: one can choose a selection of changes that have been made in order to package them and transfer them to another installation. I opened this module and requested all the changes that had been made in the past week - all kinds of changes appeared. But one stood out: the change to the standard interface for updating the status of work orders.
Then the penny dropped: the procedure that prints a work order also calls a procedure called DocStat which updates the status of the work order to 'printed', presumably by means of the standard interface which I had modified. This procedure doesn't know about the field that I added and so the value passed would be 0 (null). And because I defined that this field can accept null values, this value was indeed passed ... and disconnected the work order from the customer order line. Ooooops! Red face time (again).
Immediately I removed my field from the interface whereupon printing ceased to disconnect. I then altered my original procedure to update the work orders table directly (nu nu nu) in order to disconnect.
Moral of this story: don't mess with standard interfaces!