Thursday, 27 August 2020

Beware of the dollar sign (continued)

I have found a much simpler method of obtaining a naked dollar sign to be inserted within a string, using ENTMESSAGE. One defines a message number whose text is simply $. Here is the code which (to me, at least) is self explanatory.
:PAR1 = 'TEST@TEST.COM'; SELECT ENTMESSAGE ('$', 'P', 10) INTO :PAR2 FROM DUMMY; /* $ */ :PAR3 = STRCAT (STRPIECE (:PAR1, '@', 1, 1), :PAR2, STRPIECE (:PAR1, '@', 2, 1)); WRNMSG 99;
As a result of these statements, PAR1 will be TEST@TEST.COM, PAR2 will be $, and PAR3 will be TEST$TEST.COM. Using ENTMESSAGE is a better method as it relies only on itself - it doesn't rely on a specific value in the CURRENCIES table (which might not exist) nor does it rely on an entry in a special constants table.

Note that the ENTMESSAGE statement uses '$' to denote 'the current procedure'.

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